Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Summer Week 1 - Hey can we come learn too?

O.K. so we are supposed to be enjoying our time off - right sitting by the pool and sipping lemonade.  Right.  I am in the middle of technology wildness, running labs, and net-books all over campus for summer school - passing out passwords, fixing broken equipment, finding missing equipment but I keep hearing these little voices. Several students keep calling me or texting and saying, "Hey I am bored can I come to school too?"

I want to have a camp for kids in the summer.  Is this crazy?  How many kids would actually come just for something to do and a snack?   I, of course would have to have a sponsor, or a grant but I can find one of those sooner or later.  But just think, there are a lot of kids who want a place to learn, and enjoy school with their friends and feel safe at school.  They miss it when it is gone.

Why can't the libraries be open during the summer?  Do they have to have the books on the shelf sitting so lonesome?

Why can't we have a read a long program where some come to read to little ones?

Why can't we have Appy hour where kids explore apps for iPads for classrooms or to teach a friend something they learned this year, using the iPads.  We are just letting them sit in a box so no one notices we have them. ;o(

We talked about Robotics camp, I think the elementary may be doing that for a fee.

Clay-mation could even be a two week camp that kids can come and make fun creative clay-mation. Why not? The cameras are sitting in a box.

Video game shows that students make. Or for that matter Video tutorials that students make for other students.

The kids want to do stuff, why can't we let them in to do it?  We all complain about time - how we need more time, well now is the time to make a difference with a child.

The building is being  used already for summer school, we could have an enrichment series offered along side the summer school , the lunch room is making food for the community, the buses are running anyway.  Why couldn't kids come as they wanted to take part in project that will enrich their summer and not just sitting at home alone.

It is breaking my heart. But maybe I am a weird workaholic and others don't agree.

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