I have been trying to complete grad school and study for my state certification so I am off a bit in my posting of great books and fun tech ideas. But it shall continue soon.
I love Jo Knowles and I got to see her in person at the Austin Book Festival for Young Adults a couple of weekends ago. She was incredible of course. She really has a beat with teens and you can tell in her books how heart wrenching her characters become so real that you can really identify with them.
I will read all her books now. I got a signed copy of this book and I am in the middle of it. I will post more about it when I finish, but this continues the story of Jumping off Swings, with Josh's side of getting a girl pregnant as a jr. in high school and how he can't deal with the adoption, with his parents separate lives, and how can he even look at people at school since he caused such a nightmare to happen to one girl. He is living with some serious issues and goes to finish school with his Uncle who loves Jackie Chan. But he is learning to deal with life as he goes.